Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Three Cups of Tea

Written by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin
Published in 2006

Finally read the book. Remember how big a deal they made out of it at Harvard? Both the authors were there for talks and such. This Mortenson fellow built over 50 schools in Pakistan's Karakoram. I wonder how many are still standing after all that has been happening in the North.

It is an OK book. The story is great, inspirational, but the writing is uninspiring. Relin basically wrote the book. He is a journalist or something, but he really has not done his research. The book was filled with factual errors. NWFP was repeatedly called Northwest Frontier Provinces and the azan was called hazzan... Those are just two things that I remember.

But it is a book that attempts to fill the knowledge gap that Americans have about Pakistan. Effort appreciated.

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